Crucial Information About Natural Cartilage Regeneration

By Dr. Grazyna Pajunen

There has been some medical controversy over whether natural cartilage regeneration is possible. The general consensus is that the process is possible in children and teenagers who are still growing while in adults it is a slow process. In the adult stage, the cartilage has a limited supply of blood which limits the ability of the body to repair and regrow it. Fortunately, there are techniques available that can be used to facilitate the repair process.

Cartilage is an essential connective tissue found in the bones. The process of repair takes place at a slow rate in this tissue than in other tissues in the human body. An inadequate supply of nutrients to this tissue interferes with proper healing of wounds and injuries leading to damaged tissues. Inflammatory diseases and degenerative conditions are also major causes of complications.

The treatment methods that are commonly applied yield varied outcomes. There are patients who are completely treated while others are left struggling. Doctors can choose between two approaches for the treatment process. This includes surgical methods or extracting cells from certain body parts to implant them on the damaged part.

There are several methods that are used in this procedure. However, these methods are successful in some patients while in others the results obtained are not satisfactory. There are two approaches that may be adopted. One of them involves extracting cartilage cells from other locations of the body and implanting into the affected region. The other option available is to use surgery to repair the damaged area.

Intraneural therapy has also been adopted in the treatment of various conditions. This treatment technique has been successful in arthritis. It is administered to clear the causes behind arthritis. Once these causes are cleared, the cartilage gets the opportunity to receive essential nutrients and oxygen necessary for regeneration.

Some of these conditions can be relieved through intraneural therapy. The sessions of this therapy are effective in the treatment of arthritis. It treats the specific cause of the condition at the joint and permits the joint to heal and function normally. Once the cause of this medical condition has been the removed the connective tissue gets a constant supply of oxygen and nutrients and is able to regenerate.

Health experts also recommend dietary and lifestyle adjustments in the management of this condition. Feeding on a well-balanced diet that is rich in vitamins can boost the repair and healing of wounds in the body. Vitamin is particularly important and van be combined with the numerous supplements available in the market.

It is advisable to enroll for a specialized exercise program that is not strenuous to facilitate the movement of the affected joints. This helps to prevent the joints from growing stiff due to immobility. Joints are vulnerable to degeneration and the needs of their repair usually hinder the ability of the body to produce new cartilage. Natural cartilage regeneration is a slow process and requires stimulation through techniques that ensure a constant supply blood to these tissues.

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