Kettlebell Exercises & Potential Benefits for Orton

By Rob Sutter

It should go without saying that professional wrestling takes a great deal of physicality but I don't think people know their limitations. Sometimes people get into the business and while they certainly have ability, their bodies may not be made for it in the long term. They won't be able to uphold themselves and when I look at Randy Orton, I see someone who may not have as much time in World Wrestling Entertainment. With kettlebell exercises, though, I think he can improve his inclination for injury.

I think that a good reason as to why Orton has had injury problems come from his shoulder condition. Orton suffers from hypermobile shoulders, meaning that the articulations stretch out further than they were meant to. While I'm sure it's enjoyable to watch your friend turn his thumb at an awkward angle or the knee to pop in on itself before returning to normal, it may not be useful in athletics. In fact, such joints appear to be more susceptible to pain and locking, to name two indications.

It goes without saying that exercise is meant to build muscle but what it cannot do is mend bones which are broken. Orton cannot focus on this - biology will be responsible for the mending process - but rather the muscle building. It's what is most lost in the timespan when athletes are unable to compete. For those looking for a way to build up muscle while at the same time avoiding further harm to the injuries, there may be a method which stands to be utilized.

Kettlebell exercises, in my opinion, stand as a fine way to keep in shape even when injuries seem to take their toll. The problem with these injuries is that whatever regimen a person has in mind seems to have been rendered obsolete. This doesn't mean that you stop trying, though, because these weights are versatile enough so that you can put forth the work and still be able to gain exercise without harming yourself further. If you require more in the ways of practices and the like with these weights, fitness authorities the likes of Lorna can help.

For someone like Orton, who appears to have had a few injury problems in the past with his shoulders, maybe kettlebell weights can be used. It's not like he would have much to lose and, in fact, he may just profit from them. Out of all of the weight choices one can select from, I think these can pose the greatest level of ease and, if he's invested enough, the finest slew of results. Orton will want to stay in the ring for as long as possible, so these weights shouldn't go overlooked.

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