All About The Benefits Of AREDS II

By Max Brazell

Aging is something that can happen to anyone. This is the time when the body will start to degenerate from your skin down to your different organ systems. One of the organs that will be deeply affected is the eyes. It is common for the elderly to suffer from certain eye problems. For this reason, studies like the AREDS II were done in order to do something about this.

AREDS II is the abbreviated form of Age Related Disease Study 2. This is a follow up of a study conducted years ago. The study is done mainly to determine if the used vitamin supplements can help in dealing with eye problems. They do this with the hope that something can be done to slow down vision loss among the elderly.

One of the main objective of the study is to find a way to treat or to slow down AMD. AMD is short for age-related macular degeneration. In this condition, the macula would would start to degenerate as a person will grow older. It is one of the leading causes of vision loss among people who are 65 years old and older.

This study is also applicable for other types of vision problems. A good example would be cataract. People with cataract suffer from blurry eyes mainly because of a cloudy substance forming on the lens making it hard for them to see clearly.

In this study, researchers are focused on determining how certain vision vitamins can affect those who are prone to develop AMD or old people who already have a vision problem. They study the effects that doses of vitamins E and C can have on these people. They also use lutein, beta carotene, zeaxanthin, Omega 3, copper, and zinc.

The nutrients mentioned above can be found in numerous plants and in some animals. For example, fish is a good source of Omega 3. Beta carotene can be found in bright fruits and vegetables like carrots. Lutein and zeaxanthin can usually be found in plants such as the spinach.

With the help of the study, scientists get to make proper use of these substances. They use as their way of knowing how well the eyes will respond to eye supplements. These supplements contain a good dose of vision vitamins especially lutein and zeaxanthin.

AREDS II offers so many benefits to many people. Its result can greatly benefit anyone who is his senior years. It is a great help for people who are still yet to experience the effects that aging can bring to them.

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