Why You Ought To Use Nutritional Supplements

By Suzie Aiello

There is some controversy about the use of nutritional supplements, with some experts claiming that we should get enough nutrients from our diets. Yet more and more people are suffering from various complaints and just do not seem healthy. Supplementing your diet with certain essential nutrients might be the answer to low level health problems.

After many years of continuous cropping, farm lands have become increasingly depleted of essential nutrient. Artificial fertilizers, while producing heavier crops, do not replace rare trace elements. People no longer live on the land, and nutrients are extracted and never replaced, while modern farming does not encourage healthy plant or animal growth.

A vitamin which is being recognized as playing an import part in a variety of processes, including strengthening your immune system, is vitamin D. While it can be made from sunlight. In more northerly areas supplementation, especially in winter. This vitamin should be obtained from natural source, to ensure it is the proper vitamin D3 variety which has health-giving properties.

When taking supplements, make sure they are bioavailable, otherwise they will not provide any benefits. Even Vitamin C needs to be in this form to be of any use. While synthetic nutrients may be chemically the same or very similar, your body may not recognize them if they are not in the form which it expects, and they may then actually cause a problem.

As always, more is not necessarily better. While the officially recommended RDA is too low, you should be careful to stick to the stated dose on the package, as overdosing can be dangerous. Vitamin D can actually cause a painful death from symptoms of a severe sunburn. However, supplements are safe if taken as recommended.

Anti-aging is attracting a lot of attention at the moment. This has made concentrated forms pf resveratrol and Astaxanthin extremely popular because of their proven benefits. Resveratrol can be found in chocolate, and in smaller quantities in red grapes or blueberries, while Astaxanthin is obtained in certain shellfish and salmon, but it is difficult to consume enough of these foods to get the full effects.

While these nutrients are available from purely natural foods, nutritional supplements permit large enough quantities to be consumed for optimum results. You can improve your state of health and resistance ti illnesses with the appropriate supplementation. In addition, you should preferably consume organic foods, as this is the form your body is evolved to benefit from.

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