Chiropractic treatments are modalities in the group of complementary and alternative medicine. It is mostly applicable in the managing, diagnosis and treatment of medical conditions that involve the musculoskeletal and neuronal systems. It is executed by specialists who use manual manipulation methods directed mostly to the spine to bring relief from most medical conditions. This practice was at first restricted to few countries like Europe, Australia and North America but soon spread rapidly to many other nations all over the world.
This practice was first discovered by a magnetic healer called Palmer in the united states but has faced many challenges in being adopted into convectional systems because of lack of scientific basis to support the mechanisms of the practice. Scientists disapprove the allegations that spinal dysfunction is the sole cause diseases, they however approve it for manual therapies for conditions of the lower back while discrediting it for cervical conditions where it could be dangerous.
There are several schools of thoughts even among the chiropractic specialists on the exact mechanisms of action this treatment offers to the body. There are however few common ideas that most specialists tend to agree on. The most important being that the nervous system is closely related to the health of a person and an imbalance in nerve functioning is the etiology of disease processes. The practitioners must therefore understand the nervous system and how it functions.
The principles guiding the use of this therapy gives the users confidence in this treatment mode. One is the principle of reductionism which tends to demystify the theory of holism that ill health is related wellness of the body, mind and spirit to the external environment. Here the belief is that the nervous system is the main and sole determinant of health. Second is the conviction that the body has an innate ability self-heal when giving enough external support and time to do so, a principle called homeostasis and finally the principle of conservatism that invasive techniques like surgeries are not a useful approach of therapy instead focus should be on exploring less invasive procedures like simple body manipulation.
The founder hypothesized that misalignment of vertebral joint which he referred to as subluxation interfered with how the body functioned and the inborn ability to heal itself. The misalignment put pressure on the nerves as they originated through inter-vertebral spaces interfering with their function and that of the organs they innervate.
There tends to be a small overlap of this approach of treatment and other forms of manipulative therapies like massage and osteopathy which also employ manual manipulation. Specialists can however distinguish them with the understanding the chiropractic therapy need more firm grips in order to reach the deep nerves.
Common conditions that have been well managed with this treatment include persistent headaches and migraine as well as lower back pains. The success of this therapy made it become accepted into alternative medicine practices. Many other conditions especially those involving nerves can also be managed with this approach.
Chiropractic treatments are generally relatively safe especially when done by a skillful practitioner and in the appropriate manner. There is however few complications that could occur could arise and there are contraindications against which it cannot be delivered such as conditions that result in unstable joint like rheumatoid arthritis.
This practice was first discovered by a magnetic healer called Palmer in the united states but has faced many challenges in being adopted into convectional systems because of lack of scientific basis to support the mechanisms of the practice. Scientists disapprove the allegations that spinal dysfunction is the sole cause diseases, they however approve it for manual therapies for conditions of the lower back while discrediting it for cervical conditions where it could be dangerous.
There are several schools of thoughts even among the chiropractic specialists on the exact mechanisms of action this treatment offers to the body. There are however few common ideas that most specialists tend to agree on. The most important being that the nervous system is closely related to the health of a person and an imbalance in nerve functioning is the etiology of disease processes. The practitioners must therefore understand the nervous system and how it functions.
The principles guiding the use of this therapy gives the users confidence in this treatment mode. One is the principle of reductionism which tends to demystify the theory of holism that ill health is related wellness of the body, mind and spirit to the external environment. Here the belief is that the nervous system is the main and sole determinant of health. Second is the conviction that the body has an innate ability self-heal when giving enough external support and time to do so, a principle called homeostasis and finally the principle of conservatism that invasive techniques like surgeries are not a useful approach of therapy instead focus should be on exploring less invasive procedures like simple body manipulation.
The founder hypothesized that misalignment of vertebral joint which he referred to as subluxation interfered with how the body functioned and the inborn ability to heal itself. The misalignment put pressure on the nerves as they originated through inter-vertebral spaces interfering with their function and that of the organs they innervate.
There tends to be a small overlap of this approach of treatment and other forms of manipulative therapies like massage and osteopathy which also employ manual manipulation. Specialists can however distinguish them with the understanding the chiropractic therapy need more firm grips in order to reach the deep nerves.
Common conditions that have been well managed with this treatment include persistent headaches and migraine as well as lower back pains. The success of this therapy made it become accepted into alternative medicine practices. Many other conditions especially those involving nerves can also be managed with this approach.
Chiropractic treatments are generally relatively safe especially when done by a skillful practitioner and in the appropriate manner. There is however few complications that could occur could arise and there are contraindications against which it cannot be delivered such as conditions that result in unstable joint like rheumatoid arthritis.
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